Gutters are easy to forget about. They seamlessly carry the rainwater away, keeping your home safe from potential leaks and damage. When they’re working, they’re a part of your home that goes unnoticed. But when they start having issues, such as clogs or cracks, gutters aren’t something you can ignore. While regular maintenance and cleaning can keep your gutters flowing and functioning, seasonal damage can wreak havoc. When spring showers start raining down on your home, it’s absolutely essential to make sure that the winter weather hasn’t caused any serious damage. What do you need to know about winter weather and your gutters? Take a look at the impact that winter weather can have on your home’s gutter system.
Trapped DebrisGray-Beige Siding
When the winter weather sets in before the fall cleanup can take place, you have a recipe for a major clog. If you put off the post-autumn gutter cleaning, the leaves, twigs and other plant life won’t just melt away. Even though plant materials will degrade naturally over time, a few weeks, or even a few days, isn’t enough time for the debris to disappear. Trapped debris that are stuck under snow or a layer of ice can clog your gutters, preventing the post-winter melt from traveling clearly through them. This can result in spills over the sides or leaks that run into your home. To prevent trapped debris next winter, start with constant care and maintenance. This doesn’t mean that you need to clean and inspect your gutters daily. Instead, as you notice the autumn leaves falling, periodically remove the debris and check for clogs. If you don’t get to the debris in time, use a warm winter day to your advantage. Even though the temperature is dropping and the first snow has already fallen, you can still clear the gutters before the deep freeze begins.
Ice Weight
Along with the potential to result in interior leaks, a gutter system that isn’t carrying water away can trap ice in cold weather. Water that’s standing inside of filled/clogged gutters will eventually freeze when the air temperature gets cold enough. This can either result in ice dams or too much weight on your gutter system. Either issue can cause your gutters to crack, break, or fall from your home. One of the easiest ways to prevent ice issues next winter is to stop the clogs before they start. Again, removing leaves and other debris can eliminate some of the risks. If you still have icy problems again during the winter, don’t wait for a spring thaw. Chances are your gutters won’t withstand the weight of the ice for months on end. A professional gutter contractor can help to remedy the situation by heating and removing the ice. The pros can also recommend protective protects that can minimize the risk of winter ice build-up.
Melting Snow
At some point in the winter, the snow will melt. But that’s hopefully when the weather warms up enough for the run-off to make its way through your gutter system in liquid form. If the snow starts melting on your roof, but the weather isn’t warm yet, it can refreeze. This often results in ice damns or clogs that can ruin your gutters. When your attic isn’t insulated, the heat from inside of your home can warm the roof, which results in the snow melting. Unlike a spring thaw, however, a mid-winter warming due to poor insulation, can put your gutters at risk. If you notice that the snow is melting on your roof, and your roof only, it’s time to evaluate the attic’s insulation. Did the winter weather damage your gutters? Call Allstate Gutter & Siding this spring so we can repair, replace, and protect your
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